Nationwide- Seventeen Magazine is casting Teens to vlog about their personal experience with COVID-19

Seventeen Magazine Casting Call

Seventeen Magazine is looking to cast teen ages 15-19 years old who’d be willing to vlog about their personal experience with COVID-19. We’re specifically looking to feature a teen who is either battling the virus themselves or who’s been quarantined with a loved one who’s been infected with the virus to give us a glimpse from their perspective as to what life is like living under those circumstances.

Seventeen Magainze Casting directors are now hiring actors, models, and talent to work on a modeling and video campaign for Seventeen Magazine.

Producers are seeking the following types:

  • Teenagers

  • 15 to 19 years old

  • Willing to vlog about their personal experience with COVID-19

  • Especially those battling the virus or has been quarantined with a loved one who’s been infected with the virus.

The participant can be located anywhere in the world, (whether in the United States or elsewhere) though must be able to speak English if located elsewhere for this particular project. The participant must also be willing to be candid on-camera about what it is that they’re currently experiencing.

This is not meant to be portrayed as an indecent or confrontational video but rather seen as a platform to discuss the sensitive topic of COVID-19 in an open environment and responsible manner.

If interested in being considered for this casting, please fill out this form in its entirety


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