Nationwide-Major Cable Network Seeking Blended Families

Location: New York, New York


We are looking for families in blended structures (with biological and step parents involved for example) who are looking for advice or in need of a better transition to becoming a family unit.

If you or anyone you know might be interested, they can email us directly at

I put more information below! If you have any questions or concerns, reach back out anytime.

We’re seeking blended families who want to finally resolve their issues on a transformative new therapy-based television series.

For a major cable network. Filming in May/June in NYC, but accepting interested families nation-wide.

If you think you and your blended family could be a good fit, please email me a brief description of your family and a few pictures, ASAP:

Are you a biological or step-parent struggling with issues around your broken or blended family?

We’re currently seeking blended families of all kinds for a new and uplifting TV series aimed towards providing solution, direction, and insight to blended and fractured families in conflict.

We want to hear from you! Casting ASAP!


Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: New York, New York
Please submit to: by 2019-11-01

This casting notice was posted by: Switchblade Entertainment Group


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