NYC- ALLURE seeking Woman who truly wants to shave head

CASTING NOTICE: Allure --*Seeking woman who is taking the step of shaving her head Conde Nast Entertainment and Allure are seeking a woman who is ready to take the major change of shaving her head. The ideal contributor must have a profound story to share about why they’re shaving their head. For example: alopecia, health issues that have resulted or will result in hair loss, no longer wanting to hide behind their hair, or changing what they consider the standard of beauty, etc. Contributor’s head will be shaved on camera by a professional barber. To be considered, please send a note with full contact info, current photos and a few lines about why you want to shave your head. Shooting first week of November in NYC. Email ASAP Our videos are beautifully produced, feature amazing quality, and are highly engaging – this project will follow that direction. Please see our YouTube pages to get a feel for our aesthetic:


ATL-Need a Home Makeover?


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